Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Next Stage

I received an email this morning from my editor at Bloomsbury Children's Books. We are now at the next stage in the process of getting my first book published, and it's all new to me, and I'm excited, and I can't wait, and I'm scared, and - I guess - all of the rest of the same things that all of the new writers before me have felt.

I had emailed her yesterday about the timing of everything, so I could plan ahead. She's in London, so I didn't receive her response until this morning. She said that she had just started reading through the Avery McShane manuscript again, and had started her editing, when she received my email. What a coincidence. She will be sending me her edits in the next few weeks which, I am learning the hard way, is not the same 'few weeks' that most people know. In the publishing business, it means that I will receive it probably some time this year. No matter. I'm stoked.

She would like me to respond to her edits by April 11th, so maybe there is hope that the few weeks timeframe will hold up this time.

She is an amazing motivator and she makes me like a real author that's written something special. Some of the snippets from the email include, " have done a tremendous job..." and "...very exciting again to be picking up properly with Avery!"

Well, I'm excited too.

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