Thursday, October 13, 2011

Delay of Game

My publisher - the referees in these matters - have called a penalty on me, and the penalty is a two month delay for Avery McShane and the Silver Spurs. I could challenge the call, but the ref's are right. They've determined that the cover for the book is 'too young', and I can't argue with them on that assessment. It is. I knew it when I first saw it, but I figured they knew what they were doing at the time so I rolled with it. They tested the cover with retailers, and the result was the penalty call. It's a harsh one, but it's better to get it right from the get-go. Right?

I think were going to eventually end up with something a little more sinister - probably featuring Loca, the demon dog, who plays a big part in the story. Of course, it'll be set in the jungle where everything happens. I'm guessing that it'll be a darker and scarier scene than the last one. It's an adventure story, but what's an adventure without danger and mystery. I can't wait to see the new version, and I will...after I sit out my two month penalty.


  1. I wouldn't really call it a penalty, after all, you didn't chose the cover. I think it's more of a time out.

  2. Good point, but it feels like a penalty. By the time the book's published it will have been nineteen months since the deal was signed - two years from the moment Bloomsbury said they liked it. Oh well, what's another two months?
